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Those Struggling for a Different Pakistan
I.  Prologue Pakistan is in a state of crisis.  The history of Pakistan, looked at from a human perspective, has been a perpetual crisis since its birth.  The ruling elite have operated -- from the very beginning -- on cronyism, nepotism, and legal and illegal corruption.  They have always been inefficient and indifferent to the…
The survival of Art in an image-saturated era
The survival of Art in an image-saturated era Introduction   The advent of Photography and Film undoubtedly changed our perception of Art forever. What was once static representation, secluded within the walls of the museum, became motion and action in front of the eyes of TV and cinema´s massive audiences. At the time, art theorists had…
Contribute to Naked Punch On-line
'Naked Punch Review is looking for fresh voices in poetry, art and film criticism, philosophy and anything else that you think may interest our readers.  We would welcome your submission for our on-line version.  There is no limit in terms of words and form from our side except the technical limit of presenting material on-line.…
The Withered State
Disaster is the only news of the day. It was providential that a sinkhole has opened up in Guatemala. It is 100-feet deep with a circular chasm of 66 feet. An act of nature, it is felt, is so much easier to deal with than the many, too many acts of human despoliation. Oil plumes…
Beirut Diary
Beirut Diary, April 2010   Walking into Beirut this spring was like walking into history. Not ancient history, necessarily, but the history of the city which is the history of Lebanon, pulled apart between “western” and “eastern” poles. Being in the city evokes the memory of people who lived there. Writers, intellectuals, activists, and artists from all…
The New American Imperialism
Interviewed by David Barsamian MIT, Cambridge, MA  2 April 2010 (Article Courtesy of Alternative Radio : One of the themes that Howard Zinn tried to address during his long career was the lack of historical memory. The facts of history are scrupulously ignored…