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What Carries Us On

It is frightfully sublime in part because of its obscurity. – Immanuel Kant Implicit within the debate on Coronavirus curated by Antinomie and archived by Sergio Benvenuto[i]  is the question—for what must we carry on?  That is, do we—humanity, which has been reckoned by many thinkers as the error in nature—carry on for the sake of carrying on?  Or, should…

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The Obscure Experience

In philosophizing we may not terminate a disease of thought. It must run its natural course, and slow cure is all important.” ­– Ludwig Wittgenstein Implicitly we are asking in these discussions about the COVID-19 pandemic [1]   is there a norm for man? Earlier it was philosophy that had the task of constituting the systems under which the limits and also the…

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Statement of Rationale and Demands of the Movement of Greek Workers, of and in Arts and Culture by Support Art Workers

Naked Punch Collective stands in solidarity with the Support Art Workers movement that started in the first weekend of May 2020 in Athens, Greece.  Below, we present the statement drafted by the movement and specifically its Assembly Group for ORGANISATION – COORDINATION – INITIATIVE. RATIONALE: Following the humbling widespread dispersal of our message #SupportArtWorkers…

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We Will Not Be Silenced

Colonialism made us feel backward. It was always Europe that was advanced and enlightened, and it was always the East that was backward and wretched. Rather than honestly say that they had come to plunder, the colonial rulers said that they had come to school the East – it needed to be civilized. Every European…

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