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The Gun-Slave Cycle

The prisoner sits across from me in the cramped airless cubicle behind the plexiglass hands gently folded during this middle passage between life and death wrists ringed by steel forged by Smith & Wesson It is an old story of guns and slavery Into the lower decks of the ships the European merchants loaded chests…

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Journalism Between ‘Red Lines’

Journalists in balochistan are not journalists.  They are jugglers and acrobats.  Dancing to the tune of various groups.  Let me state it more clearly, Journalists in Balochistan have to tread a fine line vaguely defined by religious militant outfits, nationalist separatists and operatives of intelligence agencies. Each group has its own red lines that if…

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Teachers Assistants Striking Against Neo-Liberalism in Education: An Interview with Ayyaz Mallick

Qalandar Bux Memon:  Can you tell us what role Teaching Assistants play in the University of Toronto and York University? Ayyaz Mallick:  Teaching Assistants (TAs) at both universities are the main point of contact between undergraduate students and the faculty. TAs perform a number of duties, such as running tutorials, marking papers and assignments, invigilating…

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Shu Arab Spring?

(Naked Punch Review Issue 16 Editorial by Vijay Prashad Published 9/4/14) I. Tornado. A tornado seems to have swept through the narrow Gaza Strip. Every few years (2014, 2012, 2009, 2006….) this tornado makes its appearance. It lashes the day, lasts weeks and creates devastation that takes months and years to repair. Names are given this…

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Greece, ‘Preferring Not To’

The YES/NO Greek referendum vote announced on June 25th by the Syriza government, taking place today, is a call for the Greek people to grant the country some ground in negotiating a proposal for the restructuring of the European political and economic system. Since the announcement of the referendum the country has split into YES and…

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