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Larry the cat

Dave the Rave has all the moves. Verily, is he the Lord of the Dance. Yet no one or their cat noticed the sky turning black upon his return. Only I saw the devil on his back as he leads us towards post-Brexit temptation.  But something is afoot. Mark my words. These tea-guzzling-biscuit-gobbling Fat Cats…

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The Ugly American Show

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal.” —Henry Kissinger in William F. Buckley Jr.  United Nations Journal: A     Delegate's Odyssey (1974), pp 56–57. In the spring of 2008, a nation's intricate history was brought to the forefront in a televised spectacle: 'Great…

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Canada at the Edge of Its Idea

     “Having to wait until one’s death to be allowed to live is really quite an ontological feat.”                       - Robert Musil, Austrian Novelist, Journalist and Writer Like a phantom limb, the unfinished The Man Without Qualities haunts the landscape of modern literature. It is…

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On Palestine And Narrative: We are in a new territory

“Gaza does not propel people to cool contemplation; rather, she propels them to erupt and collide with the truth.”                                                         — Mahmoud Darwish, Silence for Gaza (1973) Recognizing the Stranger - On Palestine and Narrative, a slim volume of 80-odd pages brings together Isabella Hammad’s the Edward W. Said Memorial Lecture delivered at Columbia University nine…

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