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Algeria’s Forgotten Revolutionary History
Amilcar Cabral, the leader of the Bissau-Guinean armed struggle against colonial Portugal, once said about Algiers: “The Muslims make the pilgrimage to Mecca, the Christians to the Vatican, and the national liberation movements to Algiers.” Cabral was also the first to name Algiers “capital of revolutions” in 1969. By the early 1970s, Algeria had a…
Keep bangin on the walls Keep bangin on the walls OF FORTRESS EUROPE! 2022 -A new European order Robot guards patrolling the border Cybernetic dogs are getting closer and closer Armoured cars and immigration officers A burning village in Kosovo You bombed it out now you're telling us go home Machine guns strut on the…
The Postnormal Perfect Storm 2
THE COVID CHRONICLES: THE POSTNORMAL PERFECT STORM - IN THREE PARTS PART 2: NAVIGATING THE CRISIS What do we know about Covid-19? Well, we know where it originated, how it spread, and have a rough idea of its contagion levels. We know that the spread of the virus has been matched by the spread of…
Dear Friends and comrades We are going through trying times. Humanity is on trial. This is the time when the worst and the best in us comes out in ways that we could not have imagined in normal times. We are used to saying ‘the personal is political’. Now the ‘social is personal’, so much…
Little Things I Miss
Little things I miss I miss laughter. I miss meeting and greeting people in the street. I miss my friends at Kijiweni. I miss the incessant chatter of baraza and utani between Yanga and Simba. And the argument among wazee of who is older than whom. I miss children in their uniforms walking to school.…