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Guayaquil: Before and during the Pandemic
Ecuador is currently experiencing a fragile situation with the COVID-19 pandemic. It is among the countries which are affected the most by COVID-19 and thus the numbers of people who have died reached the mark of 3.621 at the beginning of June [1]. It was in early April, however, that the country attracted the attention…
Notes On Suicide
Two years after Jean Améry’s On Suicide was published in 1976, the author took an overdose of sleeping pills. He was 65. In 1960, some eighteen years after Albert Camus had raised and – so he thought – resolved the question of suicide in The Myth of Sisyphus, he was killed in a car accident.…
The Marvelous Births of Jean-Luc Nancy
Happy birthday to you my dearest Jean-Luc! I do not know the name of my relation to you as it evades capture while its births never cease to surprise me. Friend, yes, because it is a word, like “being”, that is able to gather nearly every relationship and occasion. In the beginning I was a…
“Sonic Opposition to the Powers That Be” Part-I: Asian Dub Foundation (ADF)’s John Pandit in conversation with NoorAfshan Mirza.
John Pandit/Aka Pandit G of Asian Dub Foundation (ADF) in conversation with NoorAfshan Mirza. Part I. NoorAfshan Mirza: My first question is about the way you have tried to work with the community to produce music. What has been your process? And what would you say, have been its successes and failures?  John Pandit: Well, yeah. My…
“The Winter of Absolute Zero”: Interview with Shaj Mohan by Auwn Gurmani
The 20th century carried a silent consensus that philosophy was Western, which then was split into ‘continental’ and ‘Anglo-Saxon’/analytical. In recent decades we have seen the assertive presence of non-White philosophers including Achilles Mbembe, Anthony Appiah, Divya Dwivedi, and Shaj Mohan. Shaj Mohan is the philosopher who has been “forsaken”[i] by philosophical traditions as his work…
The Macabre Measure of Dalit-Bahujan Mobilisations
Another Dalit girl is dead after being brutally raped, tortured and mutilated by upper caste men (Thakur caste belonging to the savarna Kshatriya varna) on 14 September in Hathras village in Uttar Pradesh, where ten rapes are committed every day according to official statistics, while many others go unreported. Hereby, another human identified as untouchable by…