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Interview of a Greek Rebel
Anonymous: Philosophy Student, Male, 32 Are you an anarchist? I am not an anarchist, but I am an educated person who won’t take it anymore. The anarchists, for their own good are taking advantage of the rage of the people; though some are just doing this to smash things, I respect that as a militant…
The Naked Punch Blog
(the url is: Titled after Bertolt Brecht's poem: The Critical Attitude. Bertolt Brecht On the Critical Attitude The critical attitude Strikes many people as unfruitful That is because they find the state Impervious to their criticism But what in this case is an unfruitful attitude Is merely a feeble attitude. Give criticism arms And…
Born Here: Interview with Dam (Hip-Hop group)
DAM is a Palestinian hiphop band comprised of a trio from Lod. Lod is a mixed Arab-Jewish town, about 20 km from Jerusalem. The band members come from a neighbourhood that has a history of drug abuse and violence. They turned to music to be able to articulate, and in doing so, have released two…
Two Underdogs and the reconstruction of Gaga
Consuming iconographic material via general media, one is often overwhelmed with the challenge of making meaning within the margins of celebrated personification. Messages are charmingly packaged within voluptuously orange cleavage, chiselled out mega-abdominals, and perpetually kitsch teleshoppery. Indeed, we have heard this neo-Marxist voice countless times. Such a mundane diatribe is not my intention here,…
Naked Punch Statement of Support For Protesters Against ‘Austerity Measures’.
We stand in firm solidarity with those taking action, both nationally and internationally – students, lecturers, workers and anarchists - in the fight against the so-called “austerity measures”. We reject the rhetoric of “austerity” and “sustainability”, which is being used to obscure the ideological character of these cuts: under the guise of ‘harsh, but necessary’ fiscal…