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The Osage Vision in the Words of Agnes Lin
Agnes Lin is a merchandising magnate who grew up in Hong Kong. Starting out as an editorial assistant at the Hong Kong Trade Development Council she moved from merchandising for Swire, to an assistant editor of a garment trade magazine, to establishing Osage Merchandising, her own merchandising business which has taken her across the world.…
Hong Kong’s Generation (Re) Generation
Art in Hong Kong has never had it so good. Aside from being the 3rd largest art market in the world after London and New York in terms of auction sales, complete with Christie’s, Sotheby’s and auction-driven Gagosian Gallery presence in the city, the local art fair has fire-rocketed into the upper echelons of art…
On Philosophers, Violence, Humour & Tragedy
Simon Critchley Interviewed by Qalandar Bux Memon and Asif Akhtar (Portrait by Luca Del Baldo) Part One  (Interview conducted June 2011) Part One: The Role of Philosophers, Violence and Resistance, and Humour. QM - You have claimed that the role and responsibility of the philosopher is, in part, ‘the production of crisis’. Firstly, could you unpack…
Balochistan Betrayed
News on Balochistan continues to be shaped by the state's dominant narrative: Of a province that is, and always has been, rightfully Pakistani. But a cursory look at a Baloch version of events – rarely if ever (re)presented in the Pakistani media - paints another picture. A picture not of agreements and friendship. But of…
Journalism and Occupation in Kashmir
(Article first published by The Kashmir Walla) For obvious reasons freedom of the press in Kashmir is limited and constrained. Military occupation with its attendant curfews, roadblocks, checkpoints, searches, surveillance, wiretapping of calls and emails, and state-sponsored violence from custodial deaths and extrajudicial killings to torture and disappearances, produce immense pain and suffering among Kashmiris.…
Cripple Come, let's do something amazing: Let's vilify him some more The one whom everyone calls a tyrant   Where my brother's hand   is sowing the seeds of oppression As my father's hand   harvests the crop of exploitation And my clan, on various occasions,   through words or silence,   has sided with murderer…