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Balochistan Betrayed
News on Balochistan continues to be shaped by the state's dominant narrative: Of a province that is, and always has been, rightfully Pakistani. But a cursory look at a Baloch version of events – rarely if ever (re)presented in the Pakistani media - paints another picture. A picture not of agreements and friendship. But of…
Journalism and Occupation in Kashmir
(Article first published by The Kashmir Walla) For obvious reasons freedom of the press in Kashmir is limited and constrained. Military occupation with its attendant curfews, roadblocks, checkpoints, searches, surveillance, wiretapping of calls and emails, and state-sponsored violence from custodial deaths and extrajudicial killings to torture and disappearances, produce immense pain and suffering among Kashmiris.…
Cripple Come, let's do something amazing: Let's vilify him some more The one whom everyone calls a tyrant   Where my brother's hand   is sowing the seeds of oppression As my father's hand   harvests the crop of exploitation And my clan, on various occasions,   through words or silence,   has sided with murderer…
Revolution in Egypt: Beyond the “Alternative”
Perhaps the most difficult, most nagging question that haunts us at the brink of an uprising, is the question of the alternative. We yearn for an alternative world, yet in the fear of not having prepared a comprehensive vision that unifies, we shy away from pushing for change. As a movement spreads and grows, we…
i know him, almost by heart better than the back of my hand which has never interested me memorised his face, i could carve it into the air, at will but we could not 'see each other' it could be (or would be) narrated by the others a private-life crime breaking personal laws made from…
Pakistan’s neo-colonial rule in Balochistan
The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) is urging the complete demilitarisation of occupied Balochistan, as a precondition for a negotiated political settlement to end six decades of economic neglect, ethnic persecution and military repression by Islamabad. Echoing the criticisms of Baloch national leaders, the HRCP says the Pakistan government’s current  peace and reconciliation package is…
Poem – Untitled
he liked me in the way toyota-buyers do, carefully with no surprises everything he said and did was just as his face- manual advertised the kind of pamphlet, you don't need to open detailing love for mother and dog and country, a savings account and friday night movie with hand holding expecting the expected the…
Socialized Media?
Social networks and online media have become such an integrated part of our existence it is difficult to imagine what the political landscape would look like today in their absence. The culmination of an extraordinary leap in communicative technology, their role in faciliating dialogue between ideas, opinions, causes and fundamental beliefs has reconstructed the way we conduct…
Interview of a Greek Rebel II
Are you an anarchist? No. Don’t be addicted to words; some people have an addiction to words because they need to belong somewhere. Some people see being an anarchist as a “profession” because they are defined by that and they adhere to it for their personal reasons, just like their counterparts do (no need to…