he liked me
in the way toyota-buyers do, carefully
with no surprises
everything he said
and did
was just as his face-
manual advertised
the kind of pamphlet, you don't need to open
detailing love for mother and dog
and country, a savings account
and friday night movie
with hand holding
expecting the expected
Social networks and online media have become such an integrated part of our existence it is difficult to imagine what the political landscape would look like today in their absence. The culmination of an extraordinary leap in communicative technology, their role in faciliating dialogue between ideas, opinions, causes and fundamental beliefs has reconstructed the way we conduct…
Are you an anarchist?
No. Don’t be addicted to words; some people have an addiction to words because they need to belong somewhere. Some people see being an anarchist as a “profession” because they are defined by that and they adhere to it for their personal reasons, just like their counterparts do (no need to…
Lisa Taraki interviewed by Sunaina Maira.
Lisa Taraki is a sociologist at Birzeit University in Palestine. In addition to her academic work on aspects of Palestinian society, politics and urban social history, she has been an activist in the struggle for the right to education in Palestine since the late 1970s. She is one of…
Translated from Proceso by Narco News
April 4, 2011
The brutal assassination of my son, Juan Francisco, of Julio César Romero Jaime, of Luis Antonio Romero Jaime, and of Gabriel Anejo Escalera, is added to so many other boys and girls who have been assassinated just the same throughout the country, not only because…
Anonymous: Philosophy Student, Male, 32
Are you an anarchist?
I am not an anarchist, but I am an educated person who won’t take it anymore. The anarchists, for their
own good are taking advantage of the rage of the people; though some are just doing this to smash
things, I respect that as a militant…
“The Oppressed Have No Obligation to Follow the Rules of the Game…”
Interview with Ashis Nandy.
Prof Ashis Nandy is a well known social thinker and social psychologist based at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), Delhi. He has been an outspoken critic of science, modernity and secularism. His writings since the…
(the url is: http://thecriticalattitude.wordpress.com/)
Titled after Bertolt Brecht's poem: The Critical Attitude.
Bertolt Brecht
On the Critical Attitude
The critical attitude Strikes many people as unfruitful That is because they find the state Impervious to their criticism But what in this case is an unfruitful attitude Is merely a feeble attitude. Give criticism arms And…
DAM is a Palestinian hiphop band comprised of a trio from Lod. Lod is a mixed Arab-Jewish town, about 20 km from Jerusalem. The band members come from a neighbourhood that has a history of drug abuse and violence. They turned to music to be able to articulate, and in doing so, have released two…
We are starting to barter at Naked Punch.
If you want a copy of NP but don't want/have money or care to use money we are now accepting barter.
You may consider bartering a poem you have written, a drawing, a motto, a video, an essay (though we would prefer those that you have…