We are starting to barter at Naked Punch.
If you want a copy of NP but don’t want/have money or care to use money we are now accepting barter.
You may consider bartering a poem you have written, a drawing, a motto, a video, an essay (though we would prefer those that you have written outside of academic confines) or some other intellectual labour…or even chickens! You will retain copyrights to your work but we would like to be able to share it on our website or within the collective.
You can indicate if you would not want it on the website. But we must be able to share it internally.

A newspaper illustration depicting a man engaging in barter, paying his yearly newspaper subscription to the “Podunk Weekly Bugle” with various farm produce.
To see some of our issues go to:
If you want to barter please email us at:: info at Nakedpunch.com
Please indicate what you are bartering and the issue you are interested in.
Naked Punch